Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy happy birthday--

I started this blog 5 days ago with (what we call in the business) a 'soft launch'--it was up and open but I didn't expressly invite anyone in.

Now that it's Nov. 1 and naplwrimo has officially started, I have added this blog to my facebook profile and told my family about it.

Incidentally, because I started early, the nice people at National Playwriting Month probably can't sanction my play. But they're part of what inspired me to get started.

It is also my older brother's birthday!
Hey, brother! How old are you?

So what better way to celebrate his birthday than by inviting him and the rest of my family to come and read me write about myself?

I really don't know how old he is. If I had to guess, I'd say 26. I remember his birthday because it's the day after Halloween. I remember my little sister's birthday because it's on the 9th of April and mine is the 9th of January. I only was able to wish my Mom a happy birthday because my Dad called to remind me (thanks Dad, sorry Mom!). I have two other siblings whose birthdays are mysteries to me (actually I remember my younger brother's birthday is June 13, because one year that was the day we got out of school for the summer. Unless it's the 14th). I also could not name for you all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins.

I guess that last paragraph sounds a little light-hearted, so lest you think I'm totally insensitive: this does keep me up and night, and I surely felt like a dick when Dad reminded me of Mom's birthday.

But that's not the point! The point is: Happy Birthday Austin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the invite. Thanks for ratting me out. I was actually feeling guilty yesterday when Mom was rattling off the times of birth of each of our 5 children. Really, I don't remember a single one. But after reading your blog, I feel much better. Read back to the start. Hope the blog grows better than your mustache. Have you noticed how similar the words mustache/mistake?